
116 Publications


Meunier, Sophie et al. Developments in French Politics 6. MacMillan, 2020.
Meunier, Sophie, and Eugenia Conceicao-Heldt. Speaking With a Single Voice: The EU As an Effective Actor in Global Governance?. Routledge, 2015.

Under what conditions does the internal cohesiveness of the European Union determine its external effectiveness on the world stage? This book asks this question, investigating the frequent political assumption that the more cohesive the EU presents itself to the world, the more effective it is in achieving its goals. Contributions to this book explore this theory from a range of perspectives, from trade to foreign policy, and highlight complex patterns between internal cohesiveness and external effectiveness. These are simplified into three possible configurations: internal cohesiveness has a positive impact on external effectiveness; internal cohesiveness has no impact on external effectiveness; and internal cohesiveness has a negative impact on external effectiveness. The international context in which the EU operates, which includes the bargaining configuration and the policy arena, functions as an intervening variable that helps us to explain variation in these causal links. The book also launches a research agenda aimed at explaining these patterns more systematically and determining the marginal impact of cohesiveness on effectiveness. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.

Jacoby, Wade et al. The Politics of Representation in the Global Age: Identification, Mobilization, and Adjudication. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, Alistair Cole, and Vincent Tiberj. Developments in French Politics 5. Palgrave, 2013.
Meunier, Sophie, and Philip Gordon. Le Nouveau Defi Francais: La France Face a La Mondialisation. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob, 2002. Print.

S’adapter ou disparaître sous la domination américaine : la globalisation économique représente un défi pour toutes les sociétés. Il est toutefois particulièrement dramatique en France, du fait de notre tradition étatique, de notre souci de justice sociale, de notre attachement à notre langue, à notre culture, à notre identité, ainsi que de notre vieille rivalité avec les États-Unis.

Beaucoup de Français s’accordent à penser que la mondialisation comporte des bienfaits, mais ils sont nombreux à s’inquiéter de ses effets sur la répartition des revenus, l’emploi, la culture et la position de la France dans le monde. Qu’en est-il vraiment? La France ne s’adapte-t-elle pas plus nettement qu’on ne veut bien le dire ? Et l’idée de " mondialisation maîtrisée "? Peut-elle devenir réalité ou bien est-ce un mythe inventé par les hommes politiques afin de rassurer le public?

"Un travail impressionnant pour mettre au jour les racines historiques et intellectuelles de la résistance française à la globalisation et pour montrer comment la France réussit à s’adapter sans s’américaniser." Stanley Hoffmann.

Meunier, Sophie. L’Union Fait La Force: L’Europe Dans Les Negociations Commerciales Internationales. Paris, France: Presses de Sciences Po, 2005.
Meunier, Sophie, and Philip Gordon. The French Challenge: Adapting to Globalization. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2001.

The French Challenge deals with France's effort to adapt to globalization and its consequences for France's economy, cultural identity, domestic politics, and foreign relations. The authors begin by analyzing the structural transformation of the French economy, driven first by liberalization within the European Union and more recently by globalization. By examining a wide variety of possible measures of globalization and liberalization, the authors conclude that the French economy's adaptation has been far reaching and largely successful, even if French leaders prefer to downplay the extent of these changes in response to political pressures and public opinion. They call this adaptation "globalization by stealth."

The authors also examine the relationship between trade, culture, and identity and explain why globalization has rendered the three inseparable. They show how globalization is contributing to the restructuring of the traditional French political spectrum and blurring the traditional differences between left and right. Finally, they explore France's effort to tame globalization—maîtriser la mondialisation—and the possible consequences and lessons of the French stance for the rest of the world.

Meunier, Sophie. Trading Voices: The European Union in International Commercial Negotiations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005.

The European Union, the world's foremost trader, is not an easy bargainer to deal with. Its twenty-five member states have relinquished most of their sovereignty in trade to the supranational level, and in international commercial negotiations, such as those conducted under the World Trade Organization, the EU speaks with a "single voice." This single voice has enabled the Brussels-based institution to impact the distributional outcomes of international trade negotiations and shape the global political economy.

Trading Voices is the most comprehensive book about the politics of trade policy in the EU and the role of the EU as a central actor in international commercial negotiations. Sophie Meunier explores how this pooling of trade policy-making and external representation affects the EU's bargaining power in international trade talks. Using institutionalist analysis, she argues that its complex institutional procedures and multiple masters have, more often than once, forced its trade partners to give in to an EU speaking with a single voice.

Through analysis of four transatlantic commercial negotiations over agriculture, public procurement, and civil aviation, Trading Voices explores the politics of international trade bargaining. It also addresses the salient political question of whether negotiating efficiency comes at the expense of democratic legitimacy. Finally, this book looks at how the EU, with its recent enlargement and proposed Constitution, might become an even more formidable rival to the United States in shaping globalization.

Meunier, Sophie, and Kathleen McNamara. Making History: European Integration and Institutional Change at Fifty (The State of the European Union Volume 8). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Meunier, Sophie, and Wade Jacoby. Europe and the Management of Globalization. Routledge, 2010.

Book Chapter

Meunier, Sophie, and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. “The European Union and Investment Facilitation at the WTO.” The Making of an International Investment Facilitation Framework: Legal, Political and Economics Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Helen Drake. “Is France Back (Again)? European Governance for a Global World .” Developments in French Politics 6. MacMillan, 2020.
Meunier, Sophie, and Justin Lindeboom. “In the Shadow of the Euro Crisis: Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Migration Programmes in the European Union.” Citizenship and Residence Sales: Rethinking the Boundaries of Belonging, Kochenov and Surak Eds. Cambridge University Press. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “Le Mécanisme De Filtrage Des Investissements Directs étrangers En Europe: Une réponse à l’essor Des Investissements Chinois ?.” Relations Commerciales Internationales: L’Union européenne Et l’Amérique Du Nord à l’heure De La Nouvelle Route De La Soie. Bruylant, 2020. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “A Disorderly Retreat from Global Governance? US Trade and Investment Policies in the Trump Era.” The Evolving Relationship Between China, the EU and the USA: A New Global Order?. Routledge, 2019.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaidis. “The EU As a Trade Power.” International Relations and the European Union. 2017th ed. Oxford University Press, 2017. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “Chinese Direct Investment in Europe: Economic Opportunities and Political Challenges.” Handbook of the International Political Economy of China. Edward Elgar, 2019.
Meunier, Sophie. “Beware of Chinese Bearing Gifts: Why China’s Direct Investment Poses Political Challenges in Europe and the United States.” CHINA’S THREE-PRONG INVESTMENT STRATEGY: BILATERAL, REGIONAL, AND GLOBAL TRACKS. Julien Chaisse ed. Oxford University Press, 2019. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “La Mondialisation.” Le Quebec International: Une Perspective Economique. Montreal: N.p., 2015. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Jean-Frederic Morin. “No Agreement Is an Island: Negotiating TTIP in a Dense Regime Complex.” The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World. Ashgate, 2015. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Ledina Gocaj. “Time Will Tell: The EFSF, the ESM, and the Euro Crisis.” Redefining European Economic Governance. Routledge, 2014.
Meunier, Sophie. “France and the Global Economic Order.” Developments in French Politics 5. Palgrave, 2013. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “US-EU Trade Relations.” Encyclopedia of European Integration. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1998. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “Divided But United: European Trade Policy Integration and EC-US Agricultural Negotiations in the Uruguay Round..” The European Union in the World Community. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1998. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. “Revisiting Trade Competence in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice and Beyond.” Institutional Challenges in the European Union. Routledge, 2002. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Randall Henning. “United Against the United States? The EU’s Role in Global Trade and Finance.” The State of the European Union Vol. 7. Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. “The European Union As a Trade Power.” The International Relations of the European Union. Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “The Distinctiveness of French Anti-Americanism.” Anti-Americanisms in World Politics. Cornell University Press, 2006. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “L’Union Europeenne, La ’mondialisation maitrisee’ Et l’epreuve Du Cycle De Doha.” Annuaire Francais Des Relations Internationales, Vol. VIII. Centre Thucydide, 2007. Print.
Meunier, Sophie. “L’Union Europeenne Et l’OMC: La ’mondialisation maitrisee’ a l’epreuve.” L’Europe Qui Se Fait: Regards Croises Sur Un Parcours Inacheve. Presses de l’Universite de Montreal, 2008. Print.
France and the World, from Chirac to Sarkozy.” “.” Developments in French Politics 4. Palgrave, 2008. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Wade Jacoby. “Managing the Global Trade Agenda.” The European Union in a World in Transition: Fit for What Purpose? . N.p., 2009. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Wade Jacoby. “Europe and Globalization.” Research Agendas in European Union Studies: Stalking the Elephant. Palgrave MacMillan, 2010.
Meunier, Sophie. “La Politique Etrangere De Nicolas Sarkozy.” Politiques Publiques Sous La Presidence Sarkozy. Presses de Sciences Po, 2012. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. “EU Trade Policy: The ‘Exclusive Vs. Shared’ Competence Debate.” The State of the European Union Vol. 5: Risks, Reforms, Resistance or Revival?. Oxford University Press, 2001. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. “The European Union As a Trade Power.” International Relations and the European Union. Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.

Journal Article

Meunier, Sophie, and Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “Mapping the Characteristics of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms: The New PRISM Dataset.” International Studies Quarterly n. pag. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, and Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “The Big Screen: Mapping the Diffusion of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms.” n. pag. Print.
Meunier, Sophie, Erik Jones, and R. Daniel Kelemen. “Failing Forward? Crises and Patterns of European Integration.” Journal of European Public Policy 28.10 (2021): 1519–1536.
Meunier, Sophie, and Zenobia Chan. “Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for a Foreign Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union.” Review of International Organizations (2021): n. pag.
What determines national preferences for institutionalizing FDI screening? Over the past
decade, advanced economies worldwide have tightened their national investment screening
mechanisms (ISMs) for foreign direct investment (FDI). In March 2019, the European Union
(EU) adopted its first common FDI screening framework. Based on extensive interviews with
high-level EU and country officials involved in the negotiation process, and using a unique
measure of national support for the EU-wide ISM created through the first-ever elite survey on
this subject matter, we find that countries with higher technological levels were more supportive
of FDI screening due to concerns over unreciprocated technological transfer. We also find
sector-dependent effects of Chinese FDI on country-level support for FDI screening: Countries
with high levels of Chinese FDI in strategic sectors are more likely to support the EU ISM, while
those with high levels of Chinese investment in low-tech sectors tend to oppose screening. Our
overall findings suggest that EU investment screening, and national-level screening in general,
might become more restrictive in the future, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meunier, Sophie, and Justinas Mickus. “Sizing Up the Competition: Explaining Reform of European Union Competition Policy in the Covid-19 Era.” Journal of European Integration 42.8 (2020): 1077–1094.
Ensuring fair competition has long been a core pillar of the European Union (EU). In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the EU has diverted significantly from its traditional commitment to market-based competition, notably in state aid and foreign subsidies. This article explores change and continuity in post-Covid-19 European competition policy (ECP) by considering both the radicality and permanence of these changes. Using process-tracing based on primary documents, secondary materials, and personal interviews, this article examines recent shifts in EU competition policy, probing three causal factors: 1) digitization of the global economy; 2) geopoliticization of competition regulation; and 3) Brexit. We argue that the Covid-19 crisis has brought these pre-existing challenges to ECP to the fore and, thereby, created space for policy entrepreneurs in EU member state governments and institutions to push for greater promotion and protection of European industry in the internal market while reinforcing supranational competition enforcement.
Canes-Wrone, Brandice, Lauren Mattioli, and Sophie Meunier. “Foreign Direct Investment Screening and Congressional Backlash Politics in the United States.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 22.4 (2020): n. pag.
This article examines a particular instance of backlash against economic globalisation – the screening of foreign direct investment in the United States. Although most foreign direct investment is welcome in the United States, specific transactions have aroused suspicion and triggered political backlash by Congress. In fact, successive episodes have reshaped the institutions through which the United States screens foreign direct investment. The recent emergence of China as a foreign investor has posed new political challenges and led to further restrictions. This article explores the circumstances that make congressional backlash to Chinese foreign direct investment more likely, or to use the language of Alter and Zürn in this Special Issue, the ‘triggers’ of congressional backlash. Our findings highlight several patterns, notably that domestic political motives are strongly associated with congressional backlash and that generally the members instigating it do not represent the district in which the investment is located.
Meunier, Sophie, and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. “Missing in Action? France and the Politicization of Trade and Investment Agreements.” Politics and Governance 8.1 (2020): n. pag.
Negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) and for the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada have provoked massive mobilization throughout Europe, both on the streets and online. Yet France, long at the epicenter of anti-globalization and anti-Americanism, has played a surprisingly modest role in the mobilization campaign against these agreements. This article asks why France did not contribute to anti-TTIP mobilization and, more broadly, how patterns of French mobilization over trade have changed over the past two decades. Using comparative-historical analysis, we explore to what extent this puzzling French reaction can be traced to changing attitudes towards the US, agenda-shaping by the French government, and transformations in the venues and techniques of social mobilization. We thus contribute to the growing literature on the politicization of trade agreements and offer insights into the links between domestic and international politics.
Meunier, Sophie, and Rozalie Czesana. “From Back Rooms to the Street? A Research Agenda for Explaining Variation in the Public Salience of Trade Policy-Making in Europe.” Journal of European Public Policy 26.12 (2019): n. pag.
After the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) triggered massive public mobilization in the European Union (EU), literature emerged on the novel ‘politicization’ of trade in Europe. To be sure, public salience was high around the TTIP negotiations. However, public salience over EU trade and investment negotiations has varied considerably over the past two decades. The objective of this paper is to stimulate a research agenda explaining such variation. After presenting evidence of variation (over time, across contemporaneous negotiations, and across Member States), we review a diverse set of literature to lay out six complementary explanations for why some trade deals provoke public salience, while others do not: changing nature of trade and investment negotiations; growing discontent with globalization; transformation of the media landscape; institutional changes brought about by the 2009 Lisbon Treaty; the role of the United States; and foreign interference.
Meunier, Sophie, and Kalypso Nicolaidis. “The Geo-Politicisation of European Trade and Investment Policy.” Journal of Common Market Studies 57.1 (2019): n. pag.
Meunier, Sophie, and Milada Vachudova. “Liberal Intergovernmentalism, Illiberalism and the Potential Superpower of the European Union.” Journal of Common Market Studies 56.7 (2018): 1631–1647.
Andrew Moravcsik has long argued that the EU is the world's second superpower, albeit a quiet and overlooked one. This article explores how the EU behaves as a global power, and how the illiberal turn may diminish it. We present Moravcsik's four core claims about the EU as the second superpower using the lens of Liberal Intergovernmentalism. We argue that the EU is more a potential than an actual superpower because its considerable hard and soft resources are not always converted into global influence. We focus on two challenges to this power conversion, which we illustrate in the areas of trade and enlargement: first, the uneven transfer of competences to the EU level and, second, the presence of illiberal regimes in the EU, which makes it more difficult to agree on common policies and tools anchored in democratic values.
Meunier, Sophie, and Jean-Frederic Morin. “The European Union and the Space-Time Continuum of Investment Agreements.” Journal of European Integration 39.7 (2017): 891–907.
Meunier, Sophie. “Is France Still Relevant?.” French Politics, Culture & Society 35.2 (2017): 59–75. Print.