Talk on the EU's Geoeconomics Turn at the French embassy in Singapore

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Embassy of France in SingaporeEmbassy of France in Singapore

Many thanks to Prof Sophie Meunier for her meaningful participation in the conference organized by France Alumni Singapore and #campusfrancesingapore at the #FrenchEmbassy on : “The EU’s Geoeconomic Turn: Why now, why so fast, and what comes next?

Prof Sophie Meunier is Senior Research Scholar at Princeton University and former Chair of the European Union Studies Association

The discussion focused on the reasons that prompted the EU, after decades of liberal free-market dogma, to implement the doctrinal and political changes needed to put economic tools at the service of geopolitics.
Whether it be invasion of Ukraine, pandemic of COVID-19, rise of China as a foreign investor or increasing protectionism in the USA, Sophie Meunier has highlighted the various factors that have made this change possible.